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Zen Len’s miracle page

In late April, Alchemy heard a mother duck in distress because two neighbors walking their dogs startled her 12 duckling chicks who all leaped down into a deep storm drain. Upon seeing me in the middle of the street determined to save them, Len climbed down after them and when it was all done, he, Alchemy and a several passerbys, witnessed us save 8 ducklings. We kept them warm overnight as the mother tired after circling for an hour and left them and when we left them in a basket hoping she would come get them but to our horror the babies all lept out of hte basket and scattered again. With darkness around us and a cold night ahead and with the mother never returning and after talking to several specialists we made the thoughtful decision and brought them in for the night and kept them in a spare serpent aquarium. At dawn, Alchemy whistled and  called and called for an hour but mother never returned. Len and Alchemy took the ducks to Project Wildlife where we made a donation. They will raise the ducks with no visible human contact and then release them near this area where they were born which is near the Torry Pines reserve and the Penasquitos river. Here is Len proudly learning conservation and giving back to  wildlife.

Lenden swore he would never hold a snake or go skiing. He swore he could never make it to the top of the mountain, and he also swore he would never go in the ocean as he was terrified of sharks. Here he is snorkling with leopard sharks and seals!

We are looking forward to him realizing he can manifest anything he wants to.